Movie Logic

Coming to the ring... this week's challenger...
Jamie Foxx, and STEALTH!
Ok, now, i enjoy a good movie as much as the next guy, and I understand that everyone wants to have the bigger, better movie with bigger and more on the line... but some of the claims...
Just in case you guys don't know the gist of the movie, the government creates a plane that flys by itself, when it decides to do the smart thing and kill the people that made it. "Oh no!" the people exclaim, "I must do what I can to bring this down before it kills everyone" without taking a step back and thinking.. "hmm, maybe we shouldn't have invented this thing in the first place..."
Anyway, back to my point about outrageous claims... here is a QUOTE from the trailer, brought to you by the venerable Jamie Foxx (that's F-O-X-X, don't forget that second one): "That thing could kill 50 million people with that load"
Ok, let's now take a step back and admire that insightful..... thought. 50 million people... Assume it has a nuclear bomb on it (which it doesn't, because if it did, it wouldn't be able to fly like it does, and the promos showed the plane had lots of little missle-looking bombs), after it dropped it on the most populus part of the country, which is probably NY (in a concentrated area), how many people would that kill? The current population of New York City is 8,104,079... That's right, I looked it up...
The current population of the United States is 296,593,684, give or take a few depending on how many people watch this movie... 50 million people would be one SIXTH of the population of the country... one would have to blanket the entire eastern seaboard.... (think about this... driving from say, New York to Atlantic City, blanketing everything in between)
BOTH nuclear bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during WWII, killed around 100,000 people... Mr. Stealth fighter man would need to kill 500 TIMES that... 500... I can't even count to 500 without getting a headache...

Now, I like Jamie Foxx, I think he's a good actor, he generally does a good job, and it's unfair of me to take out all my frustrations on him, because it was the writer that wrote such line (actually, probably not, it was probably the producer)... so I'll cut this rant short...
enjoy it while you can
The bombs we use today are much more efficient and lighter than those used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Let's just assume that the plane can carry four nuclear warheads, each capable of killing all people within a radius of those living within 30 miles of the epicenter. New York's urban population is actually closer to 30 million. Your figure only includes those within the New York, NY city limits. If it were to attack the top three cities and surrounding metropolitan areas, and if it were able to kill everyone in each bombing, there would be a death toll of over 50 million.
Anonymous, at 1:26 PM
... two words: nuclear fallout. ... four more words: jessica biel is overrated ... that said, i have five parting words: i love women in uniform.
eric yang, at 4:51 PM
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