Writing Fool
I've tracked the number of words that i've typed for this blog, and it comes in at just around 59,000 words. This leads to something resembling an 180+ page book. That's a lot of damn writing. The sad part about it, is that i'm probably the only one who read any of them. Even as i type this, i realize that no one else will read this.
Can anyone read what i'm writing if i'm alone in the woods? What the hell did that even mean? Why the hell am i still typing? What's going on with this zit on my face? Why are there braille keys on a drive up atm machine? Why do people call it an atm machine? That's so redundant. Let me refresh you, atm stands for automatic tellar machine. If you had to say it like that, wouldn't you feel stupid calling it an automated teller machine machine? I thought so.
While we're on the subject of acronyms, why do i know so damn many acronyms? Self contained underwater breating apparatus? C'mon, that's unnecessary. Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation? Well, i actually had to look this one up. If i tried to do that one by myself, i would have been s.o.l.
So, until I can think of anything else, ttfn, brb, and i'll be afk until next week.
Can anyone read what i'm writing if i'm alone in the woods? What the hell did that even mean? Why the hell am i still typing? What's going on with this zit on my face? Why are there braille keys on a drive up atm machine? Why do people call it an atm machine? That's so redundant. Let me refresh you, atm stands for automatic tellar machine. If you had to say it like that, wouldn't you feel stupid calling it an automated teller machine machine? I thought so.
While we're on the subject of acronyms, why do i know so damn many acronyms? Self contained underwater breating apparatus? C'mon, that's unnecessary. Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation? Well, i actually had to look this one up. If i tried to do that one by myself, i would have been s.o.l.
So, until I can think of anything else, ttfn, brb, and i'll be afk until next week.
"VIN number" and "PIN number" piss me off too.
Anonymous, at 9:50 PM
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