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fabot. funny enough to read

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

The gig of all gigs...

There are lots of people with lots of talents all around the world. Of these, there are people who feel that they should be musicians or some sort of performer. It's a hard life for people who want to perform for a living though. I mean, you've got your usual suspects: limited venues, limited resources, not having the right "look," not being able to get yourself out there... the list goes on (i'm sure it does, but i can't think of anything else at this point).

There doesn't seem to always be an outlet for people to be able to get to where they want to be. There are actors that want to be on broadway, but end up in local commercials, there's the movie star that wants more dramatic roles, but only gets comedies, there's the orchestra second chair violinist who wants to be in a band, once again, the list goes on...

Musicians many times have to do what they can just to make ends meet. Especially the people who have dreams and aspirations of becoming rock stars. They sleep in the back of their vans, lugging their gear from place to place, playing for 50 bucks and a free order of fries, just doing whatever they can to make it.

To people like that, any sort of break is considered a big break. If they're given more than a bag of pretzels, they don't care what they have to do, what kind of music they have to play, just to be playing music for a living seems like a blessing.

That is... until it sinks in that they're playing backup for ashlee simpson (that's two e's there fella, don't you dare forget the second e).

So now, these lifetime musicians, who are thirty years old, but dressed up to look like they're teenagers, and their tattoos covered up, but in their stead, a leather bracelet perhaps (for them to look "punk" i suppose). Now they're humping gigs (albiet on national tv), but looking unbelievably gay in the process.

Oh that creul mistress called love. Well, at least eventually you'll feel that love right around the crotchal area when the fans of the boy band you're backing up give you groupie herpes. Until then, make sure you keep your guitar skills sharp.

Mitch Hedberg's QotD:
I was walking down the street with a friend, and he said, "I hear music." As if there was any other way you can take it in. That's how I receive it too. You're not special. I tried to taste it once, it didn't work.


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