Five Years...
It’s really hard to believe that it’s already been 5 years since that morning where the world changed. Up until that point, a lot of the dangers, as real as they were, seemed somewhat distant. Somewhat lessened in impact and severity because it was all happening on another continent, in another world. That all changed that morning in New York, and in Washington, when a handfull of people took it upon themselves to forever change the lives of an entire country.
As unfortunate as it is, it seems that every generation has a rallying cry, a focal point, which usually manifests itself in some for of tragedy. This was ours. Our chance to stand up in the face of fear. Our chance to make a statement about our resiliancy. Our chance to be strong.
I am an avid believer that we must move on, but also believe that we should never lose sight of the lessons we learned on that day. No one is immune from the harshness of reality, but in the face of ultimate despair, often we can find our greatest strength. The world will go on. We will survive. Freedom will persevere.
It’s an incredible world we live in, and on the fifth anniversary of the day the world changed around us, we should always be thankful of the world we live in. We’re able to write about and discuss sports with our friends and colleagues, we’re able to root for our team, go to the games and escape from the sometimes all-too-real world if only for a few hours a week. I for one, will try my best not to take for granted the fact that freedom isn’t free.
I realize that this has been incredibly solemn, and assure you that there will be an exceptional amount of tomfoolery and ridiculous writing to make up for it, and I’m almost done, I swear.
Here we are, half a decade later, and it’s sometimes hard to see if we’re any better or worse off. I can tell you, we are in fact better off, because we have moved on, and we look to the future.
Thanks for putting up with this. Go out and do something that brings you joy today, it’ll make ‘em crazy.
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