Distractions A Plenty
There are a few things in the world, that when both the positive and negative are considered simultaneously, give a positive end result.
If the previous statement was a bit cryptic, or perhaps even philosophical (which people who know me will tell you is unlikely), it only serves to illustrate a point i have, although more than likely i will end up distracted along the way whilst making my point at the same time.
For example:
Hot and Cold
Usually, one thinks of one or the other. Say, on a hot summer day, you think "man, i wish there would be a breeze of february over the next hilltop, so that i could get away from some of this freaking heat" or "holy crap it's cold in here, perhaps i should light myself on fire"
But people tend to fail to realize when the simplicity of both hot and cold melding together can create utter bliss. Case in point: peach cobbler a la mode.... mmmmm
The mix of the hot cobbler (with real Georgia peaches no less), coupled together with the cold hit of ice cream (vanilla is the only flavor that can even start to enter into this equation) create a sensation of happiness that can only be compared to your line at the DMV moving with clockwork-like efficiency.
Good and Bad (a.k.a. love and hate, but not really)
Sometimes it's nice being good, and sometimes, nice being bad... both have their merits, and both have their drawbacks. But doesn't it sometimes feel Good to be Bad?
Like when i drink milk straight out of the carton (or plastic vessel as they normally come in nowadays), knowing full well that the bacteria from my mouth will probably foul it well before the expiration date (that's kinda gross, now that i read it).
And sometimes it feels Bad being Good, like how you feel when you return someone's wallet with (most of) their money still in it.
Even though those analogies really have nothing to do with my actual point, i just felt like writing them down because my fingers were bored and my brain was excited (a bad combination if you ask me).
Oh yeah, my point.
I enjoy being distracted on the internet. I mean, i know that there are things that i should be doing, like looking for a job, reading up on football news, to hold me over during the black hole of sports, or even looking up plane tickets to destinations that i can't afford to go to (refer back to beginning of sentence), but i still enjoy being distracted.
Take for instance even just now before i started writing this post, i was reading another blog, thinking, "wow, that's a nice font, perhaps i should change mine." So i opened up a new browser window, where my homepage popped up (yahoo, for those of you who need to know), and started looking over the top news stories, which are conveniently located on the home page.
What's that i see? a story about how the navy is developing fake shark skin to make their ships faster and to reduce barnacle buildup on the hulls (a true story btw)? oh man, gotta read that one.
Oh? another link within the article about possible cloaking technology? holy crap, i'm a star trek fan, MUST read that one. Ah sweet! an article within the last one about the Mythbusters and Shark Week! (as an aside, i hope you, dear reader appreciate the time and effort that went into including actual links to the separate web sites, but if you're anything like me, your natural tendency would have been to click on the first link, and become so distracted that you'd never come back to read this sentence)
So let's recap.
Earlier i stated, and i quote (conveniently marked by using the nifty quote function in the blogger):
Note: I actually did get distracted by the teleportation article, and almost forgot to include the Mitch Hedberg QotD.
BTW, just in case i am copyright infringing (which i'm pretty sure i am), i hope i can make up for it by influding a nifty link of where to buy Mitch's CD's. The proceeds go to his surviving family.
If the previous statement was a bit cryptic, or perhaps even philosophical (which people who know me will tell you is unlikely), it only serves to illustrate a point i have, although more than likely i will end up distracted along the way whilst making my point at the same time.
For example:
Hot and Cold
Usually, one thinks of one or the other. Say, on a hot summer day, you think "man, i wish there would be a breeze of february over the next hilltop, so that i could get away from some of this freaking heat" or "holy crap it's cold in here, perhaps i should light myself on fire"
But people tend to fail to realize when the simplicity of both hot and cold melding together can create utter bliss. Case in point: peach cobbler a la mode.... mmmmm
The mix of the hot cobbler (with real Georgia peaches no less), coupled together with the cold hit of ice cream (vanilla is the only flavor that can even start to enter into this equation) create a sensation of happiness that can only be compared to your line at the DMV moving with clockwork-like efficiency.
Good and Bad (a.k.a. love and hate, but not really)
Sometimes it's nice being good, and sometimes, nice being bad... both have their merits, and both have their drawbacks. But doesn't it sometimes feel Good to be Bad?
Like when i drink milk straight out of the carton (or plastic vessel as they normally come in nowadays), knowing full well that the bacteria from my mouth will probably foul it well before the expiration date (that's kinda gross, now that i read it).
And sometimes it feels Bad being Good, like how you feel when you return someone's wallet with (most of) their money still in it.
Even though those analogies really have nothing to do with my actual point, i just felt like writing them down because my fingers were bored and my brain was excited (a bad combination if you ask me).
Oh yeah, my point.
I enjoy being distracted on the internet. I mean, i know that there are things that i should be doing, like looking for a job, reading up on football news, to hold me over during the black hole of sports, or even looking up plane tickets to destinations that i can't afford to go to (refer back to beginning of sentence), but i still enjoy being distracted.
Take for instance even just now before i started writing this post, i was reading another blog, thinking, "wow, that's a nice font, perhaps i should change mine." So i opened up a new browser window, where my homepage popped up (yahoo, for those of you who need to know), and started looking over the top news stories, which are conveniently located on the home page.
What's that i see? a story about how the navy is developing fake shark skin to make their ships faster and to reduce barnacle buildup on the hulls (a true story btw)? oh man, gotta read that one.
Oh? another link within the article about possible cloaking technology? holy crap, i'm a star trek fan, MUST read that one. Ah sweet! an article within the last one about the Mythbusters and Shark Week! (as an aside, i hope you, dear reader appreciate the time and effort that went into including actual links to the separate web sites, but if you're anything like me, your natural tendency would have been to click on the first link, and become so distracted that you'd never come back to read this sentence)
So let's recap.
Earlier i stated, and i quote (conveniently marked by using the nifty quote function in the blogger):
although more than likely i will end up distracted along the way whilst making my point at the same timeThis is what i meant. I went off on another tangent in trying to get to my point about being distracted... Hmm, i feel like i was supposed to do something with fonts or something but... wait, what's that? The U.S. Airforce is looking into possible teleportation technology? Gotta check that one out...
Note: I actually did get distracted by the teleportation article, and almost forgot to include the Mitch Hedberg QotD.
BTW, just in case i am copyright infringing (which i'm pretty sure i am), i hope i can make up for it by influding a nifty link of where to buy Mitch's CD's. The proceeds go to his surviving family.
Once I was at a casino, minding my own business, when a security guard came by and told me I had to move because I was blocking a fire exit. As if, if there was a fire, I wasn't gonna run. I think if you're flammable, and have legs, you can NEVER BE BLOCKING A FIRE EXIT!
I like that last quote. Jon, you becoming too philosophical.
There is one reason why we get distracted from what we think it is our objective. The answer is simple, WE HAVE TOO MUCH. Ex.: If we didn't have food for a few days. Nothing will distract you from going to eat or will it?
Have a great day dude. Enjoy your wonderful weather. I love winter!
Anonymous, at 10:51 PM
it's funny that you should mention peach cobbler ala mode, as wendie and i both had that the very day you wrote this entry. however, we must beg to differ on your opinion that "vanilla is the only flavor that can even start to enter into this equation." try it with vanilla chocolate swirl. pure chocolate might be too much. but hey, you never know... i've heard tell that chocolate pudding and peaches is the stuff... i think a friend of mine also once claimed that chocolate cake and kimchee is the perfect combination... now who could that have been...?
also: well said, valmont. well said.
Anonymous, at 9:20 PM
chocolate ice cream might have to wait, but i'll give the pudding and peaches a try...
jon, at 11:57 PM
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