Average jon...
Amidst all these shows lately about "average" dudes getting together with attractive girls, i've decided to, you guessed it, write a post about it.
It makes for decent tv, because it's nice to see average looking dudes have a chance to make out with some decently attractive girls (Beauty and the Geek style), but we all know that nothing's gonna really happen with that in the future. I mean, yeah, everyone "bears their soul" after the show saying that "oh, i learned so much from the dorks and i've found that they're not so different from the guys i normally date, except that they have jobs that don't require asking if you want fries, and can count past 4," but we all know that as soon as the cameras stop rolling, they're off gettin it on with the bouncer at the club that just rejected the entire male half of the cast from getting into the latent-homo-erotic club where they... um... "bounce."
It gets pretty pathetic at times as well, watching these guys, who quite frankly seem pretty nice and genuine, swoon over some girl who quite frankly, couldn't find her way out of a building with doors that swing inward. I feel bad for the average dudes, who only want to know what it's like to bone a girl that weighs less than them, without having to pay for it. I say to the hot girls: donate a little booty to your local "average" dude, and he'll do anything for you for the rest of your life. Sweet deal.
I mean, alot of people think it's unfair that the average looking dude, or the geeky guy never gets the hot girl, who is always attracted to looks rather than brains, but the fact of the matter is, that's the way it's been, and that's the way it'll always be. I have to say here to all the geeky and average guys out there, sorry for taking all your dream women... hehehe...
I have to say here, that there actually has been one instance now where the "average" dude has beaten out the "hunky" guy, and that was on the season finale of the latest incarnation of Average Joe. This girl was actually relatively level-headed about the experience realizing that money is better than looks, a smart one she is.
There isn't a problem with the fact that average dudes don't get the hot girls i guess, because if that happened, eventually, all the hot genes would go away, and there would only be a whole world of average people running around. They already have a name for that: canada. The only problem with the subesquent breeding habits of hot women with hot men is that, as a general rule, serve to create a large population of gorgeous, yet, unbelievably stupid people.
The world's smartest people will inevitably be totally plain looking, and so smart that they will not want to mate with a woman who looks exactly like himself, and will eventually die out. Can you see the potential catastrophe that is emerging here?
Eventually also, the uber-hot race will be so enthralled with their own looks that they won't have any time to breed, or forget how to, whichever comes first, and thus will spell the end of humanity as we know it aside from a few pockets of people in what's collectively known as the "mid-west," a relatively fictional place that supposedly exists between new york and los angeles.
So i say to you here: if you don't want the future of the human race to just be a bunch of "folks" from nebraska, try to do it with a hot person, if you're ugly, and vice versa.
Mitch Hedberg's QotD:
It makes for decent tv, because it's nice to see average looking dudes have a chance to make out with some decently attractive girls (Beauty and the Geek style), but we all know that nothing's gonna really happen with that in the future. I mean, yeah, everyone "bears their soul" after the show saying that "oh, i learned so much from the dorks and i've found that they're not so different from the guys i normally date, except that they have jobs that don't require asking if you want fries, and can count past 4," but we all know that as soon as the cameras stop rolling, they're off gettin it on with the bouncer at the club that just rejected the entire male half of the cast from getting into the latent-homo-erotic club where they... um... "bounce."
It gets pretty pathetic at times as well, watching these guys, who quite frankly seem pretty nice and genuine, swoon over some girl who quite frankly, couldn't find her way out of a building with doors that swing inward. I feel bad for the average dudes, who only want to know what it's like to bone a girl that weighs less than them, without having to pay for it. I say to the hot girls: donate a little booty to your local "average" dude, and he'll do anything for you for the rest of your life. Sweet deal.
I mean, alot of people think it's unfair that the average looking dude, or the geeky guy never gets the hot girl, who is always attracted to looks rather than brains, but the fact of the matter is, that's the way it's been, and that's the way it'll always be. I have to say here to all the geeky and average guys out there, sorry for taking all your dream women... hehehe...
I have to say here, that there actually has been one instance now where the "average" dude has beaten out the "hunky" guy, and that was on the season finale of the latest incarnation of Average Joe. This girl was actually relatively level-headed about the experience realizing that money is better than looks, a smart one she is.
There isn't a problem with the fact that average dudes don't get the hot girls i guess, because if that happened, eventually, all the hot genes would go away, and there would only be a whole world of average people running around. They already have a name for that: canada. The only problem with the subesquent breeding habits of hot women with hot men is that, as a general rule, serve to create a large population of gorgeous, yet, unbelievably stupid people.
The world's smartest people will inevitably be totally plain looking, and so smart that they will not want to mate with a woman who looks exactly like himself, and will eventually die out. Can you see the potential catastrophe that is emerging here?
Eventually also, the uber-hot race will be so enthralled with their own looks that they won't have any time to breed, or forget how to, whichever comes first, and thus will spell the end of humanity as we know it aside from a few pockets of people in what's collectively known as the "mid-west," a relatively fictional place that supposedly exists between new york and los angeles.
So i say to you here: if you don't want the future of the human race to just be a bunch of "folks" from nebraska, try to do it with a hot person, if you're ugly, and vice versa.
Mitch Hedberg's QotD:
I like buying snacks from the vending machine because food is better when it falls. Sometimes at the grocery store, i'll drop a candy bar so that it reaches it's maximum flavor potential.
Well, bring on the ugly chicks.
Anonymous, at 7:52 AM
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