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fabot. funny enough to read

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Heat Wave...

Weather is a funny thing. There are many different types of weather, and different types of reactions to those different types of weather. Weather is very versatile, we all have to deal with it, and it's the universal ice breaker.

(awkward silence)
"Man, it's really windy today"
"Fancy a fuck?"

This is usually where the wheels fall off the wagon for me, but if you have had other experiences, let me know. But the weather thing doesn't seem to be quite enough for me to "close the deal" if you know what i mean.

Anyway, there was a relative heat wave rolling it's ugly ass through the california area today, and it was pretty terrible. Imagine, it's november, and i'm just minding my own damn business, and all of a sudden, there's more sweat dripping from my body than there is stink coming from the weird dude sitting next to me on the bus (ok, so i don't take the bus, nor have i ever taken the bus, but i'd imagine it'd be full of smelly dudes).

My car registered somewhere in the neighborhood 91 degrees today. Ninety one freaking degrees. I mean, wtf people? I have lived in california for the last 2 years, and i still can't really get used to the weather. And by can't get used to, i mean, can't get used to the fact that the weather never changes. I mean, it's sunny all the time. Is that even right? I don't think so. Weather is supposed to change, and the changing it does here is go from sunny, to a little less sunny. It's craziness i tell you, craziness.

Of course, this weekend, when i am out of town, it's supposed to cool down, but in the meantime, i'm stuck in a heatwave a week after i got a letter informing me that my a/c had been shut off. Yay is me. Upon seeing the forecast for today, i had to drench my boxers, then throw them in the freezer in preparation for the sweating my balls were about to encounter. Did it help? Well, once they come back out of hiding, I'll let you know.


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