The republic of california...
I read in a news story somewhere (probably naked cabin boys, a very reputable news source), that california was the world's fifth largest economy. Not the fifth largest in the country, the fifth largest in the world. Let's think about that for a second.
If california were to break off from the union (possibly literally, due to seismic activity), and create it's own country, it would be a formidible force. I mean, think about it, we've got a huge citizen militia (read: gangs with guns), our governer turned president has battled, and beaten aliens on several occasions, not to mention that we have the o.c. Ok, that last one isn't that great of a reason, but still.
California by most accounts is already it's own country. We have our own language (read: spanish), our own currency (read: spanish people), and we don't give a crap about federal standards for anything. We just set our own. California has the single most strict emissions laws in the world (which is why companies like nissan won't bring over certain cars like the skyline), and the land mass is only behind alaska (with a combined population of 20) and texas (i'm pretty sure there's more cars in california than people in texas).
If we were to actually break off, i think we would fend ok. I mean, we'd own the monopoly on weather (and before you say that weather cannot be bought and sold, leave it to someone here to try), and we'd own approximately 90% of all augmented breasts (quite the precious commodity indeed). We could just live by selling sunny days and boobs to other countries while we all sit back in our bmw's sipping 8 dollar lattes going to 12 dollar movies, buying our 5 dollar gas. Yay.
And before everyone who reads this post and tries to move out here... sorry, border closed (except the one to mexico, i believe they're actually installing turnstiles in the fence).
Mitch Hedberg's QotD:
If california were to break off from the union (possibly literally, due to seismic activity), and create it's own country, it would be a formidible force. I mean, think about it, we've got a huge citizen militia (read: gangs with guns), our governer turned president has battled, and beaten aliens on several occasions, not to mention that we have the o.c. Ok, that last one isn't that great of a reason, but still.
California by most accounts is already it's own country. We have our own language (read: spanish), our own currency (read: spanish people), and we don't give a crap about federal standards for anything. We just set our own. California has the single most strict emissions laws in the world (which is why companies like nissan won't bring over certain cars like the skyline), and the land mass is only behind alaska (with a combined population of 20) and texas (i'm pretty sure there's more cars in california than people in texas).
If we were to actually break off, i think we would fend ok. I mean, we'd own the monopoly on weather (and before you say that weather cannot be bought and sold, leave it to someone here to try), and we'd own approximately 90% of all augmented breasts (quite the precious commodity indeed). We could just live by selling sunny days and boobs to other countries while we all sit back in our bmw's sipping 8 dollar lattes going to 12 dollar movies, buying our 5 dollar gas. Yay.
And before everyone who reads this post and tries to move out here... sorry, border closed (except the one to mexico, i believe they're actually installing turnstiles in the fence).
Mitch Hedberg's QotD:
I called the hotel operator and she said, "How can I direct your call?" I said, "Well, you could say 'Action!,' and I'll begin to dial. And when I say 'Goodbye,' then you can yell 'Cut!'"
I found you..... That Mitch Guy is funny. Now to steal his material and give him no credit.
Anonymous, at 2:07 PM
what the hell are you talking about? you don't even know his last name. I post his first and last name, AND his website where people can buy his cds...
jon, at 11:56 AM
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